Ford Sierra RS500 grA Rally

(ford_sierra_cosworth_rs500_rally) Mod
Ford Sierra RS500 grA Rally, skin Colin_McRae
Ford Sierra RS500 grA Rally, skin Colin_McRae
Ford Sierra RS500 grA Rally, skin Colin_McRae_Manx_1990
Ford Sierra RS500 grA Rally, skin VTM_McRae
Ford Sierra RS500 grA Rally, skin def

The Sierra Cosworth was also pressed into service as a rally car, and saw some success. After the abolition of the Group B formula in the World Rally Championship at the end of 1986, manufacturers had to turn to Group A cars and Ford, like most others, found itself without a fully suitable car. The Cosworth was very powerful but, with only rear-wheel-drive, lost out to the four-wheel-drive Lancias and Mazdas on loose-surface events, while the four-wheel-drive XR4x4 had an excellent chassis but an elderly engine producing only around 200 bhp, at least 100 less than the Lancia. For the 1987 season the team ran both, using the XR4x4 on loose surfaces and the Cosworth on tarmac, but the XR4x4's power disadvantage was too great and from 1988 the team concentrated on the Cosworth alone, and continued to use it until the arrival of the Sierra RS Cosworth 4x4 in 1990.


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This car has been used in 0 sessions.


  • Slicks Hard (H)
  • Slicks Medium (M)
  • Slicks Soft (S)


  • Acceleration: 4.6s
  • BHP: 326 bhp
  • Power Ratio: 3.47 kg/hp
  • Top Speed: 230km/h
  • Torque: 402 Nm
  • Weight: 1130 kg
