Category: News

Server have moved!

We had to move our server to new location in England.
Our server provider got so much ddos attacks for their server so they moved every non-ddos protected servers to ddos-protected place.

Our new server is and we are updating it also to 1.8 patch!


CCTV added (Surveillance cameras)

You can now spy your neighbours with laptop.
We have added few cameras in Cherno, Elec, NWA, NEA and one computer in each place which you need for watching those cameras.
Cameras have built in night vision and thermal vision sight so it will help you spot your enemies.

More features added!

We have added more features to our server!

You can now create camo net and hide your base for enemy helicopters. (Only allowed to build 3 camo at once).
You can now tow cars or lift them with helicopter.
Debris removed from roads. We will add some debris maybe back to roads but not so much than earlier was.

Server loot % increased

Finally i got server custom loot to work properly.

I have increased Hospitals, Military barracks & supermarkets loot %.
If you have some improvements in your mind or just wanna talk some shit chat. We are happy to invite you to our forums.