We have now opened Rainbow Six 3 Raven Shield server You can find our server at rs3 server browser “Ddaygaming Raven Shield”
Category: News
Arma 3 server upgrade
We had little accident while upgrading arma3 server so it should be back online at tomorrow!
Hope it works better after upgrade. 🙂
A3Wasteland Stats
If you wanna check your stats on our wasteland server
You can do it here
Request ts3 channel easier!
You can now request your own permanent channel to teamspeak at here.
Exile-Z changed to Wasteland
Because it’s seems to be so hard to download two mods at once (or one from here) to get Exile-Z server.
We have changed Exile-Z to Wasteland mod
You don’t need any extra mods to play just connect to arma3.ddaygaming.com:2302
Exile mod updated 0.9.34
Exile mod have been updated to new version!
You can download new mod from here
Exile mod updated!
Exile mod server is updated to 0.9.32 version
If you have some kind of problems, please contact us!
Exile statistics
If you wanna check your or your enemies stats it’s possible now.
Ark server wipe
After Ark v216 update (new biomes and dinos) we made wipe for server.
Hope you enjoy playing ark again after this large patch ! 🙂
Epoch mod changed to exile-z mod
We have changed our ArmA 3 Epoch server to new Exile with zombies
You can download this new mod from here
After downloading mod. You have to add/enable exile and zombie mod ingame.