New buildings added near, gorka/berezino, Devils Castle, Kamyshovo, Vybor, Guglovo.
More features added!
We have added more features to our server!
You can now create camo net and hide your base for enemy helicopters. (Only allowed to build 3 camo at once).
You can now tow cars or lift them with helicopter.
Debris removed from roads. We will add some debris maybe back to roads but not so much than earlier was.
New loadscreen and bridge to skalisty island added.
Loadscreen have been changed to new one and also we have added bridge to skalisty island.
If you wan’t download loadscreen to yourself you can download it here
Dancing and booby trap added
You can now dance in campfire and make booby traps for other players. For making booby trap you will need Etool, hand grenade and pile of woods.
Server loot % increased
Finally i got server custom loot to work properly.
I have increased Hospitals, Military barracks & supermarkets loot %.
If you have some improvements in your mind or just wanna talk some shit chat. We are happy to invite you to our forums.
Server is default for while
We had to revert our server back to default settings because new update broke something and we have to rebuild pbo files.
We will update here soon as we get server fixed.
Update: 14/06/2013 (dd/mm/yyyy)
I did manage to install sarge ai & smelting script already back to server. Saturday i will try to install other scripts back also.
Update: 18/06/2013 (dd/mm/yyyy)
I got anti combat logging script installed and added custom loot table (because after 1.7.7 update you just can’t find loot).
Update: 20/06/2013 (dd/mm/yyyy)
We got nice update and now we have to do all this again. So let’s hope this is last update for while.
Got sarge ai, smelting and custom loot working again!
AI Sarge script installed
We have installed new artificial intelligence players here in our server.
There is few ai controlled helicopters patrolling around chernarus (coasts and airfields) and also few cities have bots patrolling peace (or something to kill).
There is 3 type of ai players.
AI survivors (shoot Zeds and player bandits)
AI bandits (shoot Zeds and player bandits/player survivors)
AI soldiers (shoot Zeds, AI bandits and player bandits)
Added smelting script
We have now added new feature to our D-Day server.
You don’t have to throw road flares, empty tin cans, etc away anymore you can now melt them and create other items.
You can use this mod at campfire. (like cooking meat or boil water)
This mod will allow you to make multiple materials into other useful items. It requires fileed canteen of water (boiled or unboiled), tool box and a fire for all receipes.
You can make: Engine parts, Fuel tank, Heat pack, Jerry can, Main Rotary parts, Sandbags, Scrap metal, Tank Trap, Tent, Wheel, Wind screen glass & Wire kit.
Contest #1 “Ended”
Participate in our contest at our forum.
We will draw 2 winners.
1st prize is Ghillie suit, M107 or DMR (you can choose) , 5 mags and Czech backback.
2nd prize is Pepsi can.
If we get enough people to this contest we will arrange next contest soon as possible and with much better prizes.
Contest have ended!
Anti combat logging
Most of us hates players when they combat log out of server after they tried to shoot you and didn’t get you dead.
So we decided to install new script on our server which will hopefully prevent combat logging or atleast reduce it.
If player disconnect in middle of combat he will get punished at next time when he comes back to server.