We have opened few days ago our forums.
We are happy to invite you to visit there at http://forum.tunestiga.com
You will find there D-Day server related discussions (rules, guides, bans ) and off-topic discussion also of course.
We have opened few days ago our forums.
We are happy to invite you to visit there at http://forum.tunestiga.com
You will find there D-Day server related discussions (rules, guides, bans ) and off-topic discussion also of course.
We have added multiple custom buildings all around Chernarus.
Most of these places should have lootable resources like all other buildings have.
In medical tents spawn medical stuff, etc…
If you have great idea what we could add more, please tell it us.
You can use our contact form or come to our dayz server and try if some admin is answering at server.
We have installed new antihack script on server.
We hope that this will prevent future hackers more.
If you find hacker from to server you should try to contact immediately to server admins.
There should be always someone.
Anyhow if you can’t contact directly to admin you can always use our contact form. Press here.
If you need our own private teamspeak channel with password you can contact us by using contact form above..
Please include your nickname & email address in application.
We are group of people who like to offer services for gamers.
We have a TeamSpeak 3 Server what you can freely use and also game server.
Mostly we host arma2/3 based games like dayz, epoch & altis life.
Come join and play with us!
If you need own private channel to teamspeak you message to admin.
Welcome to new tunestiga.com website.
Site is still under construction so page layout and content will change.
We are offering free Teamspeak for gamers and we also have couple of gameserver right now.