We have now updated our old website to new one.
We have transferred old users to new site so you don’t have to create new user.
Site is still under constuction so design and contents may change.
Also take part in our new contest here
We have now updated our old website to new one.
We have transferred old users to new site so you don’t have to create new user.
Site is still under constuction so design and contents may change.
Also take part in our new contest here
We have now opened ArmA 3 Epoch server
Our server address is arma3.ddaygaming.com:2302
Our prize draw winners are Kalle (Thief) and Jiepers (SC2).
Games have been sent to email. If you won and you haven’t got email yet.
Contact Us!
We have prize draw on sunday.
Winner can choose which game he wants and who comes second get what’s left.
We are giving away Thief and Supreme Commander 2 game.
Teamspeak is online again after crash.
Now it should start automatically if teamspeak crashes. (before it did start if there was reboot in server)
We have opened our cs:go server again.
This time we modified our server to run 1v1 arena script so you need only 1 friend to play with and don’t have to play with bots anymore.
Server is using custom map rotation and all maps should be suitable for 1v1 games.
You can find server information on left side of screen or connect there by using this address. csgo.ddaygaming.com (ingame)
We have now minecraft pocket edition test server available.
If you are interested to test it you can use our contact us form to ask server details.
We have now opened cs:go server for our players!
We also updated our server configurations more back to normal as it used to be due earlier data loss.
Our new server ip and port is : :27015
Dayz Mod server have been updated to new version 1.8.1 and also arma beta build have been changed to 112555.